“Working with The Bike Valet for the past three years has been an exceptional experience. Their professional and helpful team has provided outstanding customer service, ensuring peace of mind for cyclists and families visiting Steveston. The local community has embraced the service, and we’ve been impressed by their attention to detail and willingness to accommodate our branding needs”
— Nancy Small, CEO, Tourism Richmond
“BEST’s Bike Valet has consistently demonstrated remarkable professionalism, accommodating everything from e-bikes to cargo bikes while managing high volumes at large events. Their ability to adapt to varying needs and conditions has made them a crucial part of our sustainability initiatives, fostering a culture of green transportation across Metro Vancouver.”
— Renate Sitch, Senior Advisor, TransLink
“The Bike Valet’s secure and efficient service has made cycling a convenient option for attendees at our events. Their professionalism and seamless logistics have helped promote sustainable transportation while creating a positive experience for all.”
— Event Organizer, Metro Vancouver (General)
“The Bicycle Valet has been a welcome addition to the Festival, making our free Festival even more accessible to the public at large. It is a friendly, reliable and professional service.”
— Kristen Lambertson, General Manager, Powell St. Festival
What patrons are saying:
“I love it. Makes arriving by bike so simple, and helps build community too!”
“The Bicycle Valet should be at every major event in Vancouver. I want to know that I will have guaranteed secure bike parking whenever I go to a festival, special performance (e.g. Cirque de Soleil), or other happening in the city.It is the reason that I cycle to some events instead of driving.”
“I am more likely to go to events when you are there.”
“It shows that we live in a greener and active community and your presence encourages it.”
“I am very appreciative of the of this service and I think it’s a fantastic initiative to get people riding their bikes more often and knowing they (we) don’t have to worry about bike theft. Thanks!”
“Great service! I wish it was everywhere!!”
“Great service which allows me to ride to Whitecaps games. This really enhances my game day experience.”
“The Bicycle Valet makes me feel like I belong and am respected in car centric world. When you are at an event, my respect for the event organizers is raised. You are efficient and I have never waited long to check my bike or get it back. Keep up the great work!”