Since 2006, BEST’s Bicycle Valet has been providing professional, secure, coat-check style bicycle parking in and around Metro Vancouver. The Bicycle Valet is a social enterprise of Better Environmentally Sound Transportation (BEST).

How The Bicycle Valet Works

It’s simple! Ride your bike to the Valet at one of our events, and we’ll take care of the rest.  Just like a coat-check, we’ll tag your bike and provide you with a claim stub.  Enjoy the event, and bring back the claim stub when you want your bike returned.  You can even leave your helmet or panniers on your bike (securely attached of course).

We also offer lots of sustainable transportation resources in Metro Vancouver, including City of Vancouver pocket maps, Regional Cycling Maps, Translink transit maps, and other municipalities’ cycling maps.  Our friendly Valet team members are also always happy to chat, provided we’re not too busy parking bicycles!

Why The Bicycle Valet is Amazing

Increases accessibility by providing security for bikes (and accessories).  More people will ride knowing they have a safe place to park, and more people will attend an event that is so easy to get to.

Creates peace-of-mind for attendees.  Individuals worrying about the safety of their ride will be more inclined to leave an event early and will be less engaged.

Creates a good impression.  Bikes are neatly organized in a custom fenced corral, instead of having bikes locked up to every available pole. Often the first point of contact at an event, BEST’s Bicycle Valet is a highly visual indicator that an event supports a local, sustainable initiative.

Reduces congestion.  Driving to an event can be frustrating, parking expensive, and shuttles or public transportation overcrowded.  Bypass the crowds, drop off your bike, and enjoy the event.

Environmentally friendly.  Transportation is a significant piece of an event’s carbon footprint.  Enable attendees to choose an efficient, zero-carbon trip method.


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